flowriding championship

Ili Nur Adha Lim, 20, is a student. (Photo 3 courtesy of Li Jiayi)

Tell us a little about yourself.
I’m currently doing a diploma course in Aerospace Technology (3rd year), I’m half-Chinese and riding is my passion. I’ll go nuts without riding!

How long have you been a flowrider?
1 year.

What do you enjoy most about Flowriding?
Flowriding is such a fun and cool sport; riding gives me such an adrenaline rush and indirectly helps me to concentrate and multi-task better. It also keeps me physically fit.

What is your game plan for the Contiki IFC?
My game plan is to plan my runs in advance, try to increase my fitness level and perfect my tricks.

What kind of training have you done leading up to the event?
Firstly, have enough sleep as it is very important to me. Secondly, train at least two hours a day, four days a week. Thirdly, consult local flowriding experts, Alfian (my Team Singapore co- member) and Jeff Ranta for any tips or pointers. And lastly, exercise regularly to keep fit.

What is your usual fitness programme like and what does it consist of?
I try to rollerblade or longboard at least three times a week. I will find substitutes for jogging/running because I hate to do them.

What do you say to anyone keen to try Flowriding?
Don’t give up easily and ride with patience and determination. Your hard work will pay off eventually.

Why would you encourage others to participate?
Flowriding is a fun sport for any ages. It is a sport most water sportsmen would love to pick up as it has the dynamics of skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, skimming and wakeboarding. Also, this sport can help to create stronger bonds between family and friends too.

Go to next page for interview with Leanna Crowley