Hey Red Sports fans,

I just checked my web statistics and we just had our 10,000th visitor! And this site has been around for only 42 days! Awesome.

We have also received just over 56,000 hits and 4,300 returning visitors.

As you know, my wife and I are funding this site on our own and I work on it when I am not shooting for clients. Good friends and family members have also helped me out by writing stories while I concentrate on shooting your pictures.

I’ve been thinking about how to raise revenue to sustain this site and if you have good suggestions, please let me know. I’m thinking of offering A3-size paper posters of your images for sale. I’m also thinking of Red Sports t-shirts. Would you be interested? Do let me know. I would love to hear your feedback.

Thanks for keeping me, Coach Dick Yip and Cheng company all these weeks. We’ve enjoyed watching all of you play.

Play hard. Play fair.

Red Sports remembers with you.


Editor and photographer