Running with Swee


Swee (right) meets up with the ladies at the adidas concept store at Vivo City for the adidas Women’s run. (Photo © Leslie Tan/Red Sports)

What keeps you running?

There are many reasons why people run and the list can be endless. Do you run because you simply enjoy it or because you have to? Whatever your reasons are, as long as it keeps you motivated to stay running, that’s good enough!

What are some of the common reasons why people keep running?

Weight management
The most popular reason for running is to loose those extra kilograms. Be it for health reasons, to fit into that favorite pants/dress again, or for a wedding photography shoot, most people run for it! Running is an effective way to loose or maintain weight as it is one of the highest calorie-burning activities. However, the running regime will have to be coupled with a sensible diet plan for successful weight management.

Staying Healthy
Engaging in regular moderate physical activities like running can help build up a stronger immune system, making you less susceptible to illnesses. You might say regular doses of running can boost your immune system in the ‘long run', pun intended.

As running is a weight-bearing activity, it can also help you to develop stronger bones and muscles and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Your build up of bone mineral density begins from young. The younger you start running, the greater will be your bone mineral density at an older age. It works like a bank account – the earlier you start your deposits, the more wealth you’ll have when you are older. It is cumulative in nature.

Of course, the cardiovascular benefits from running are undeniable. Your heart gets stronger with running and is able to pump more blood through your system with each heart beat. Running will also help to reduce your blood pressure by maintaining the elasticity of your arteries and lowers the risk of coronary heart disease.

Sense of Achievement
Completing the distance you have always dreamt of will definitely give you a sense of accomplishment! It could be running continuously for 30 minutes, 5km, 10km, 15km, half a marathon, a full marathon or an ultra marathon. Whatever the distance your set for yourself, the fact that you complete and achieve it will keep you running for more and help you set new goals.

The challenge
Running can sometimes be used as a challenge to see how much further or faster you can go! Running is a test of how much more you are capable of and challenges you to be the best that you can be. It can also be a challenge to prove yourself to those who doubt you.

Social Activity
If you run with friends or a group/club, running can become a social activity as well. The camaraderie can create a strong bond between you and your fellow runners. The shared toil of tough run sessions, sweating it out on the road/track together and exchanging race stories builds a special connection between runners. The support given and received can be a great driving force to keep anyone running.

The simple joy of running
There are people who simply enjoy or love to run. Running makes them happy and they find running enjoyable. This may be incomprehensible to those who hate running and only run because they have to. But there are people who find running pleasurable!

When I was a child, I loved to run (By the way, I still do!). There was a pure simple joy of being able to run as fast as I could and have the wind rush against my face. I remember that I would challenge myself to see if I could ‘cycle' my legs through each stride more quickly than the one before. Some may call it child's play. However, this very joy of running has stayed with me all through the years until this very day.

The list I have shared does not come close to the many possible reasons that keep you running. However, no matter what your reasons may be, just keep on running!

Running with you ~ Swee

“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.” ~ Tommy Lasorda

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh

Dr Tan Swee Kheng is a Kinesiologist and movement specialist. She obtained her Doctorate of Philosophy in Kinesiology from Michigan State University, USA. Currently, Dr Tan conducts an exclusive running program just for women – The First Stride, designed to demystify training processes to help women achieve their running potentials. Recently, adidas has partnered with Dr Tan to offer free running sessions to women via the adidas Women's Run initiative.

Today, Dr Tan still maintains her competitiveness in sporting events such as marathons, biathlons, and triathlons. She has run several local and overseas marathons including the 2002 Boston Marathon in Massachusetts, USA, and has taken part in several local biathlons and triathlons. Dr Tan is also a one-time Ironman finisher.