In this year’s Singapore Budget, almost all ministries will get a larger allocation over 2008. And the ministry with the second-largest increase? None other than the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, at 33.5%. (The biggest increase of 34.5% went to the Ministry of Health.)

With Singapore in the throes of its worst recession in history, it was unsurprising that this year's budget would go to extraordinary lengths to bring some relief. Not only will the government incur its largest deficit to date, it will also dip into the national reserves for the first time ever.

Of MCYS’ proposed $1.95 billion budget, almost 20% will go to preparations for the Youth Olympic Games.

The Singapore Sports Council's budget will also increase by almost 60% to $105.60 million, compared to its 2008 budget. A large part of that increase will go to the Sports Hub project and the Asian Youth Games to be held later this year.