Story by Dawn Yip

Singapore Sports Conference

The inaugural Singapore Sports Conference is organised by the Singapore Sports Council.

With all the excitement packed into the Singapore sporting calendar, we figure some of you might well be considering a career in the sports industry. If so, the inaugural Singapore Sports Conference will be well worth your time.

To be held at Republic Polytechnic on the weekend of 8 and 9 March 2008, this conference is intended to "expose youth to other aspects of sports, not just being an athlete," explains Diana Seng, a manager with the Singapore Sports Council. So the programme will cover the gamut of the sports industry, from event organisation to pedagogy to sports science.

Here's a rundown of what you can expect:

  • Workshops in four core areas – sports management, sports pedagogy, sports science and outdoor and adventure. You'll hear from speakers such as Dr Shani Tan and David Lim, who were part of Singapore's 1st Everest Expedition, NIE and overseas faculty, as well as industry players like Adrian Mok of Hivelocity and Ronda Ng of Fulford Public Relations.
  • Practical sessions on triathlons, adventure, sports massage, sports photography and journalism (featuring Red Sports' very own Uncle Les and Laura Reid!), coaching and Pilates among others.
  • Keynote addresses. Prof Robert Malina will speak on global trends and issues in youth sports, while Mr Teemu Japisson will share Finland's experiences with youth sports. With a population roughly the size of Singapore's, Finland has managed to produce sports champions, explains Diana. So the keynote "will help us to understand how other countries promote sports."
  • Dialogue sessions with Singapore's own Sports Idols, Team Singapore athletes, volunteers and paralympic sports activitists.
  • An exhibition featuring about 20 to 30 sports retailers and service providers.

So if you want to be ready to seize the opportunities that are coming Singapore’s way, whether from the F1 night race, the new Sports Hub, or the Youth Olympic Games, we suggest you mosey on over to the conference website and register your attendance!