Some viewers of the Beijing Olympics coverage on Mediacorp seem to be quite unhappy with the presenters. Enough to start a Facebook group called Coalition of the Willing to get Jade Seah off ‘Tonight In Beijing’.

Said one member regarding Jade Seah:

“Regardless of what your other formative experiences may have been, please understand that in this case, the substance matters more than the form. Please just give us the news. Please practise proper professional news delivery. Please do not preen, simper, banter, or do the equivalent of that Gatsby guy prancing around in front of the teleprompter. I don’t even follow sports, for cryin’ out loud.

There is still time for redemption. Please. Until then, Channel 5 @ 11pm is when the TV stays firmly switched off.”

I don’t have a television in my house that works anymore. Gave up on free-to-air and cable television a long time ago. I live online and the computer and I are one.

Is it that bad?

If so, we recommend you read Red Sports. We just give you the news, especially since we can’t afford to fly there. LOL.

Editor’s note: “tahan” is a Malay word meaning “tolerate”.