Content related to health, fitness, sports performance and sports science

Performance plateaus in running

Many of us have at one time or another said to ourselves, “Despite all this training, why am I not getting any faster or better?” Frustration then sets in because no matter what you do, you don’t seem to be seeing the results you want. And what more, the harder you try and the more you train, the worse your performance becomes.
By |2008-05-29T23:53:48+08:00May 10th, 2008|Body in Motion, running|0 Comments

How can sports medicine help you?

Sports medicine combines sports science and medicine to return the injured athlete to his game expeditiously and also to improve his performance. Beyond restoring function to the injured area, sports medicine deems treatment as complete only when the athlete returns to sports. Find out more about this medical specialty.

By |2008-05-08T12:36:27+08:00May 7th, 2008|Body in Motion|0 Comments

Proper running technique and form

It is common to have people enroll themselves in swim classes to learn the right and proper swim technique and strokes. However, not many people would actually think about enrolling themselves for programs to help them learn the right and proper running technique and form. It just seems unthinkable to many!
By |2008-05-29T23:52:02+08:00April 29th, 2008|Body in Motion, running|1 Comment

Running training: Quantity or quality?

Since I started taking up running as a sport a few years ago, it never fails to amaze me when people - ranging from experienced and to novice runners - say, “You must run everyday to train for the marathon!”, “What is your weekly mileage? 100 to120km?”, “Do you run every day?” There seems to be a preoccupation with the amount or volume of running one engages in, which almost seems to imply that more is better.
By |2008-05-29T23:57:47+08:00April 17th, 2008|Body in Motion, running|0 Comments
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