By Zachary Foo/Red Sports

Faith Ang (NYGH #1) goes up for a spike. (Photo 1 © Zachary Foo/Red Sports)

Presbyterian High School, Wednesday, August 13, 2014 — Nanyang Girls’ High School (NYGH) beat Dunman Secondary (DMN) 2–0 (25–15, 25–21) in the second round of the National C Division Girls Volleyball Championship.

The win puts NYGH at the top of Group Y with a 1–0 win-loss record, while Dunman are at the bottom with a 0–1 win-loss record.

The first set saw Nanyang Girls’ gain an initial foothold, as they raced out to a 3–1 lead behind the good service play of Amanda Ng (NYGH #3). DMN (#13) then led her team back into the game using well-timed pushed spikes. Her play allowed Dunman to tie the game at six apiece.

From this point, Nanyang Girls’ were able to extend their lead through some good spiking and return play. Khai Shuen (NYGH #4) and Ang Hui Wei (NYGH #5) both contributed to Nanyang Girls’ opening up a 22–11 lead. Nanyang Girls’ did a good job of setting up Amanda Ng (NYGH #3) time and again for spikes, allowing them to close out the first set.

Dunman did not go down easily, as they saved the first match point after an intense 11-shot rally before eventually conceding the set.

Dunman were the first on the board in the second set, starting out with a 3–0 run. However, Nanyang Girls’ were able to claw themselves back to tie the game at three apiece. They did well to target DMN (#8) on their serves, getting weak returns off her for easy points.

The set was a closer affair for both teams, which saw two lead changes and three ties. The breakthrough for Nanyang Girls’ came after they were tied at 15-all, going on a 5–1 run to give them a 21–16 lead.

Their strategy of working the ball for Amanda Ng (NYGH #3) to spike proved successful, as nobody on the Dunman team was able to return her spikes properly. Nanyang Girls’ eventually took the second set 25–21, earning them their first win of the second round.

Nanyang Girls’ will next play Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary) on Friday, August 15, at 1.40 p.m. at Presbyterian High Court 1. Dunman will play Presbyterian High School on the same day at 2.30 p.m.

Nanyang Girls’ captain, Amanda Ng (#3), said, “We didn’t play as well as we should. We were not in top condition today. When Dunman were leading in the second set, we did not really feel the pressure. We don’t look at the score when we play, but just focus on doing our best. We hope to get national champions this year.”

Scoring by Set
Nanyang Girls’ High School vs Dunman Secondary
First set: 25–15 (1–0)
Second set: 25–21 (2–0)

Nanyang Girls’ Roster
Faith Ang (#1), Sevina Goh (#2), Amanda Ng (#3), Khai Shuen (#4), Ang Hui Wei (#5), Alicia Seah (#6), Joy Tan (#7), Victoria Tan (#8), Ilysa Or (#9), Lim Xin Yuan (#10), Shao Yue (#11), Wang Yi Xuan (#12), Monique Sin (#14), Helen Lok (#15)

Dunman Secondary Roster
We were unable to obtain the roster for Dunman Secondary. If you recognise any of the players, please post them in the comments below and we’ll update the post. Thanks.

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