Contributed by reader Kelwin Koh

Peirce vs Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Basketball

Peirce players preventing KCP from advancing up the court. (Photo courtesy Kelwin Koh)

CCAB, Monday, February 2, 2009 - Peirce Secondary ran riot in the second half to beat Kuo Chuan Presbyterian (KCP) by a massive score line of 104-35 in a B Division South Zone Basketball Championship match.

The match started in an evenly contested first quarter with Peirce and KCP trading baskets from the opening tip. KCP looked undaunted by Peirce Secondary's two-game winning streak and were looking to cause an upset.

Backed by the heady play of #10 and #13 in the first quarter, KCP were only behind by a mere three points.

The second quarter saw a different defensive rotation by the Peirce Secondary coach as they reverted to their pesky full-court press.

The inexperience of the young KCP team started to show as they had three consecutive possessions stolen by the Peirce forwards Hardi (#15) and Zuo Kuan (#6). The strong play of Peirce PF Royson (#5) also wrecked havoc on the taller but thinner KCP frontline.

The third and fourth quarters saw Peirce Secondary vary between full-court, ¾ court and half-court press for the remainder of the game.

They managed to cut off supply to KCP's attack and went on a scoring spree with the numerous three pointers by Hardi (#15) on one wing and ZuoKuan (#6) with Jerry (#7) on the other.

Peirce Secondary also dominated under the basket as their large center Kok Ping (#12) made his presence felt along side PF Lowell (#10).

When the final buzzer went off, the final score stood at 104-35.

Peirce (#15) Royson had an outstanding game with 30 points coming from a variety of jump shots and fast break layups. His game is mature beyond his years and undoubtedly is a player to watch out for the next round.

Together with the stable play of PG (#9) Bai Yong, Peirce will hope to continue their winning streak in their final 1st round match next Monday.

Peirce vs Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Basketball

Peirce’s Lowell taking a free throw. (Photo courtesy Kelwin Koh)

Peirce vs Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Basketball

KCP desperately defending under the basket. (Photo courtesy Kelwin Koh)