Photos and updates by REDintern Vanessa Lim.


A RGS player scores amidst the other players on court. (Photo 1 © Van/Red Sports)

Singapore Basketball Centre, Thursday, 21 August, 2008 - It was heartbreak for Raffles Girls’ School as they lost 43-52 to Dunman Secondary in their C Division Girls Basketball semi-final match. Dunman Sec dominated much of the first two quarters. They led 16-7 at the end of the first quarter, and put nine additional points on the board to end the first half leading 24-15.

The second half saw RGS put up a hard fight in a bid to catch up. RGS, refusing to give up scored 15 points, just one point shy of Dunman’s 16 points scored to bring the score to 29-41. In a valiant effort to catch up, RGS pushed hard to scored more points then Dunman in the 4th quarter. However, it was just not enough to secure a win. Final score: 43-52.

Dunman Secondary will meet Unity Secondary, who beat SCGS in the other semi-final, for the final showdown on Tuesday, 26 August at Toa Payoh Sports hall at 2pm.

    Summary of points scored per quarter

1st Q – 07 – 12
2nd Q – 09 – 18
3rd Q – 14 – 25
4th Q – 29 – 41
Final score: 43 – 52


Dunman #4 shoots to score a point in the early stages of the match. (Photo 2 © Van/Red Sports)

A Dunman player trying to score despite having a RGS player reaching in to block. (Photo 3 © Van/Red Sports)

A Dunman player is down. (Photo 4 © Van/Red Sports)