Running training: Quantity or quality?

Since I started taking up running as a sport a few years ago, it never fails to amaze me when people - ranging from experienced and to novice runners - say, “You must run everyday to train for the marathon!”, “What is your weekly mileage? 100 to120km?”, “Do you run every day?” There seems to be a preoccupation with the amount or volume of running one engages in, which almost seems to imply that more is better.
By |2008-05-29T23:57:47+08:00April 17th, 2008|Body in Motion, running|0 Comments

How do I begin running?

One of the most common questions asked by the new and uninitiated with regards to attaining one’s running goals and potentials has been “How or Where do I begin?” Some would say, running is simple and how difficult can putting on a pair of shoes to run be?
By |2008-05-29T23:59:10+08:00April 12th, 2008|Body in Motion, running|0 Comments

How to choose your running shoes?

Running is probably one of the easiest sports. The only ‘equipment’ you really need is a pair of running shoes. Having said that, you do not just need to have a pair of running shoes, you need a good pair that is appropriate for your foot type and running style.
By |2008-05-30T00:00:25+08:00April 3rd, 2008|Body in Motion, running|0 Comments
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