From Back2Sports

Injuries happen. That’s a fact of sporting life, even in non-contact sports. Whether the injury is a sprain, a bruise or a broken bone, what happens to the injury during the first few crucial minutes makes a significant difference in the treatment and follow-up care.

So just what should you do if you sustain an injury? And equally importantly, what should you NOT to do? Here are two acronyms that will help – HARM and RICER.

Do No H.A.R.M

Lets start with what not to do. The rule is simple, do no H.A.R. M. HARM stands for:

  • H – Heat. Don't apply heat or deep heat creams as it increases bleeding.
  • A – Alcohol. Don't consume alchohol as it increases swelling.
  • R – Run. Don't run or exercise as exercising too soon can make the injury worse.
  • M – Massage. Don't massage the injured area as it will increases swelling and bleeding.


Now, for what you should do. For that, we have R.I.C.E.R that stands for:

  • R – Rest the injured area for 48-72 hours. Movement of the injured part will increase blood flow and bleeding to the injury site, may cause the blood clot to dislodge, and begin bleeding again and may cause more tissue damage.
  • I – Ice. Apply ice or cold therapy to injured area for 15-20minutes every two hours. Avoid direct ice contact to the skin to prevent cold burns. Ice decreases swelling and pain.
  • C – Compression. Apply firm, elastic, non-adhesive bandage to the area. May be done in conjunction as an ice compress. Reduces swelling and bleeding at the injury site.
  • E – Elevate the injured area above the heart level. For example for an ankle injury, when lying down, raise the ankle slightly above the body with pillow. Elevation decreases bleeding, swelling and pain.
  • R – Refer to see a doctor or physiotherapist for an accurate definitive diagnosis. You may need continued management (including anti-inflammatory medication) and prescription of a rehabilitation programme.

We have two posters that you can use to put up on your walls in your schools or clubs. Feel free to download and print them for your use.
HARM Poster
RICER Poster

Back2Sports – Sports Injury Management is a division of the Core Concepts Group, a leading musculo-skeletal therapy specialist group in Singapore. For more information, visit